HEY GUYS! WHATS UP! Did you guys check out my new video on youtube? Ya so just keep checking on MY BLOG to see if theres any NEW codes! Oh BTW I PASSED MY EXAMS! WHOO-HOO!! Now i can start back making videos :)! But not as much! Oh and also Making new AJ SONGS! Hope yall LOVE EM!

BTW IM ON TWITTER! So follow me at this link!

ALSO IM ON DEVIAN-ART! Sign up and search for me!

Cakt07 IS my user! THX FOR CHECKING ON HERE! Make sure to comment X3!

Guys.. In case you want to know about MI Phantoms attack.. its canceled until next summer.. THATS WHEN THE REAL SHOW BEGINS >:)! im very busy with school.. Also i have an exam to study for... so i might not make any videos in a while.. plz keep watching my HIGHSCHOOL STAR stories... Thankyou!
Are you brave enough to SAVE the animals trapped in THE GREAT ESCAPE? We must help them! Look in the picture above? If you have already joined the great escape, Please share what happend in the comments below? I will soon post the new things on THE GREAT ESCAPE :)! Have FUN on Jamaa!

 Hey Jammers! Have You guys been through the "hive" (for members) Or the phantom portal yet? If  NOT, PLEASE HELP JAMAA DEFEAT THE PHANTOM KING! I heard one jammer say that The phantoms keep on kidnapping jammers by the moment! Even others have been saying that the phantoms are planning to attack jamaa! Be careful Jammers! The night of the phantoms is almost here and im afraid they are going to do something that day! Beware, Watch your soroundings, And Play SAFE! In the image above is ME almost getting kidnapped by a phantom!  I will show the NEW VIDEO COMING SOON OF HOW I ESCAPED! Have i nice day Jammers! PEACE OUT! TTYL! (talk to you later)

Yes! That's right! Cheetahs Have came to jamaa! Guess what jammers? I already made 2 new friends that were cheetahs! Look On videos To see the interviews :D! Oh yea and i have a code But its gonna be written in a coded message... Go to whats new on aj to see the message :D and Try to crack the code! Once you do put it in through the code box on animal jam *MORE INFORMATION BELOW*

Once you have figured it out, Put the code in below and see what the code gives you! Go to "Whats new on Aj" to figure out the code :D!

Hello All My Aj Fans!  Its me cakt07! I NEED YOUR HELP! Do you have any ideas of what music video i should do next O.O!?!? Comment below and tell me which Aj music video i should do next :D!  The winner will not only get a prize, But can also be in one of my next video with the song she has picked! Just send me your user and Thats it!